Back in the Seventies, New York had a bad reputation, crime was at it’s highest level recored, there was a drugs epidemic, neighbourhoods had become delapitated and deteriorated and in 1977 a blackout caused rioting and looting that resulted in 4,500 arrests. , So to combat the terrible publicity William S. Doyle, Deputy Commissioner of the New York State Department of Commerce hired advertising agency Wells Rich Greene to develop a marketing campaign for New York State that would generate tourism. Doyle also recruited Milton Glaser to work on a campaign that would regenerate the fortunes of New York State.
In the back of a New York taxi Glaser pulled a red crayon from his pocket and began to sketch on the back of an envelope: first an “I”, then the simple outline of a heart, followed by two letters, “N” and “Y”. Developing the idea so that the letters were stacked, (Similar to the steel sculpture Love by American Pop artist Robert Indiana) set in a rounded slab serif typeface called American Typewriter and using the symbol of a heart Glaser created the iconic logo we all know and love today.
“That little scrap of paper is probably worth as much as a small Picasso,” he says with a smile. Interview with Alastair Sooke for the Telegraph
Today Glaser’s I
NY design generates more than $30 million a year and now at 81 Glaser doesn’t see a cent of the money his design creates

‘I agreed to do it as a pro bono job because it was of benefit to the state.”
This is the reason why have chosen to look at Milton Glaser as a hero, not only because of his iconic designs but also his beliefs. Glaser chose to do the iconic I
NY logo voluntarily because it would helped the state that he loved. Glaser has strong beliefs that what you design can change the world if you want them too which is something I would like to believe that my work could do anfter looking at Glaser.

‘No, that’s what it should be. You want to do things like that, where you feel you can actually change things.’
Chipp Kidd's Interview with Milton Glaser
After 9/11 Glaser’s I 

Chipp Kidd's interview with Milton Glaser
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