Bernbach wanted to change what was going on at the time in most ad agency's by adding personality, humour and a creative touch to a campaign. The most memorable example of this revolution is VW Beetle 'Think Small' campaign. Radically different from ad's at the time which consisted of a squared up image, a headline line describing the picture, 3 columns of text below and a large logo, the VW ad although similar in layout was in fact very different. The image used was very small, black and white, and left a lot of white space. The strap line 'Think small' was very different to the gimmicky, or most of the time obvious description of other ads. Bernbach focused on what made the Beetle different from the other cars at the time and used this to promote the VW and almost ridicule the big American cars at the time which most people couldn't realistically afford. Through all of these decisions not only did Bernbach manage to sell a German car soon after the war but began the creative revolution in advertising which would change the world forever.

Looking at the creative revolution taught me that you should take risks with your work, just because no one else has done or is doing it doesn't mean that you can't. If everyone is doing the same thing it doesn't mean it's the right thing. You should have bravery to do things that you think are good even if it's not the norm at the time.
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