
Wednesday 22 February 2012

Semester 2: Everything Graphics

"The creative process is not preformed by the skilled hand alone but must be a unified process in which the head, heart and hand play a simultaneous role"
Hebert Bayer
This quote says that a skilled hand cannot create a piece of work but like a recipe that will create amazing food it needs more than one ingredients. A brain, for thinking and ideas, the hands for technique, skill and production, and the heart to add emotion and engagement. With this recipe designer will create clever, engaging work with beautiful craftsmanship.
Design can be for many and almost any reason, it can
  • persuade
  • invite
  • engage
  • educate
  • inform
  • express
  • debate
And how these are do can be done in many ways, media platforms allow endless possibilities for the designer. Advertising is an example of a design that persuades, invites and engages.
This advert for McCain's chips invites the viewer to buy thier chips. It is aimed at mums and young families promoting that McCain chips are made from British chips, are a healthly thing to thing to eat and give to your family, they also promote that they are one of your five a day. This advert is promoted on the media platform of television back up buy internet and website advertisment. However advertisments can also be launched the other way through viral advertisments.
The Samsung Tv advert that uses sheep to advertise its product is a viral advertisement that became massivly popular online. This advert has the same great ideas, visual language and persion as an advert that is shown on tv however virals are usually cheaper to produce and rely upon word of mouth to advertise the product.

Leaflets and posters are examples of design that informs and educates. Leaflets and posters can be for a wide range of products, places and information.
This example of an NHS poster for stopping smoking whilst pregnant is both informative as well as educational. The posters idea is creative using strong imagery and small type to almost shock the viewer into stopping smoking.
This leaflet for diving educates people about the diving company, it informs the reader who they are what they do and where to find them.

These are only a few examples of graphic design, there are many ways to produce graphic design in any media platform. The key principle is that every piece of design will consider its audience and context, the visual language and the design and composition. It will also include almost all of the point above and be engaging, expressive and will either inform, educate or persuade the viewer who is reading, watching or looking at it. 

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