
Friday 6 January 2012

A Hero's Journey

Within a film a hero will go through a journey. This is structured: The departure, The Initiation and then The return. I am going to look at the journey of a hero in the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone.

Stage One; The Departure
·         The Call To Adventure- Harry receives a letter telling him that he is invited to go to Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry
·         Refusal To The Call- Harry’s uncle prevents him from receiving the letter and will not allow him to read. He also says Harry will no be going to Hogwarts
·         Super Natural Aid- Harry is rescued by Rebeus Hagrid who works at Hogwarts and takes him away from his family.
·         The First Threshold- I feel there are 2 thresholds crossed during the film. Harry’s first: crossing into the magical world into Diagon Alley and the second when Harry goes into Hogwarts.
Stage Two; The Initiation
·         The Roads Of Trails- Harry tries to fit in at Hogwarts and cope with magic lessons
·         The Meeting Of The Goddess- Harry doesn’t meet a goddess in this film, but later on in following films Harry falls for Cho Cheung and then ultimately Ginny Weasley
·         Temptation Away From The True Path- Harry becomes distracted by a mirror that allows him to see his parents
·         Apotheosis (God Like)- Harry already has this statues, ‘as the boy who lived’
·         The Ultimate Boon- Harry defeats Voldemort from getting the stone

Stage Three; The Return
·         Refusal Of Return- Harry doesn’t want to return home to his horrible aunt, uncle and cousin
·         The Magical Flight- There are two points of this in the film.The first time Harry rides a broom and although not strickly a flight but equally magical, Harry’s journey on the train
·         Rescue From Without- Harry is saved from evil by his mother’s love
·         Crossing The Return Threshold- Harry leaves the magical world of Hogwarts behind to return to the non magical world
·         Master Of The Two Worlds- Harry continues to be the boy who lived, again
·         Freedom To Live- The magical world believes that Voldemort has been defeated

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