
Friday 6 January 2012

Why Do They Look This Way?

When a character is being designed, whether it is in a book, for a photo, drawing or film every aspect of how they look, talk and behave is a conscious decision by the designer. From the colour of their hair to the clothes they wear, the choices made all have an effect on the viewer. Whether this is conscious or subconscious.
Harry Potter
Appearance:When we first meet Harry Potter he is living in the cupboard under the stairs. Apart from that this his bedroom and obviously no place for a child, Harry's appearance tells us the same tale of neglect and lack of love. Harry is small in size for a boy of 11 and is pale in complexion, which makes you think that he is under fed. His hair is long and messy and the clothes he wears are over sized and worn. This suggests that these aren't Harry's clothes but hand me downs from Harry's cousin Dudley. This gives the impression that Harry has no clothes or belongings of his own and is uncared for by his aunt and uncle. From Harry's appearance we instantly feel sympathetic towards him.
Action and Interaction:
In the beginning of the film Harry lives with his aunt, uncle and cousin Dudley. Harry is bossed around by all he lives with and because of this Harry is not only small in size but small in character. He is quiet, understated and gives the aura of unhappiness and the audience is given the impression that this has been like forever because he does not argue or misbehave. Harry is obedient when being bossed around but the behaviour, quiet and sad facial expressions, around the other characters suggests that he wishes things would change. Again this creates a sympathy towards Harry as well as a dislike towards the aunt, uncle and cousin.
The overall effect of Harry's appearance and behaviour tells the audience that this boy is unwanted and uncared for by those he lives with. He is bullied by his cousin and bossed around by his aunt and uncle. He gives the audience the impression that he wishes things were different but knows that nothing is going to change. The audience feels sadend for this boy who is sad, lonely and unloved.

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