
Tuesday 13 March 2012

Semester 2: Simple But Different

"Simple is the ultimate sophistication." Leanardo Da Vinci
In a world where we are bombarded by endless information, signs, advertisements etc, it is very easy to feel like you are overloaded with information. Everyone is trying to find a way stand out for the rest which in this environment is very hard. The key to achieve this is simple, when everything is complex a simple design, or idea will stand out from the rest. However there is a difference between just a simple idea or design and a good or even great simple idea. A bad simple idea is boring, plain or has no impact or meaning on the viewer, the concept is weak and hasn't been executed well. A good simple idea is about subtracting the obvious and adding or keeping a meaning to it. If you subtract most elements from an advert to make it simple and remove the meaning in doing so this would make a simple idea bad. In conclusion achieving a great advertisement is an idea which is simple but different, a combination of engaging, meaningful, good craftsmanship and most of all memorable. Achieving great simplicity is rare, however it is not impossible there are advertisements both past and present that display this idea at its best.
  • The VW Snow Plough Ad
The Snow Plough advert from 1964 is a perfect example of the principle simple but different, the advert was very different from the other car adverts of the time. What made this ad so different was it used simple wit which engaged with the viewer rather than telling the viewer the obvius, which is that the VW is so reliable it will always start in the winter. The fact the advert is funny and egaging makes it memorable.
  • The Levi Laudrette Ad
The Levi Jeans advert set in the laudrette is also an example of the excution of simple but different achieved beautifully. I even knew this advet before it was shown in lecture and I wasn't around at the time, a sign of how memorable it is. What also makes this adverts so brilliant is the excution of simple storytelling which makes the viewer smile combined with popular, catchy and memorable music and the concious desion to use the vintage look which is and was very popular. One fact I learnt about this advert that love is that the advertisment standard would not allow the model to wear y fronts in the ad as they were to revealling but allowed him to wear boxer shorts instead. This advert had to be pulled as they ran out of jeans to sell, I think that fact says everything about the success of this advert.

  • The Cadbury Gorrilla Ad
Many great adverts that use the principle simple but different have used a brand vechiles. These characters are engaging to the viewer and either funny, cute, interesting or usually a combination. Some big brand vechicles are that I have remembered are S.M.A.S.H robots, the honey monster, Tony the Frostie tiger, the PG tips monkey, Alexander Meerkat and I am sure there are many more. One of Cadbury most recent and memorable adverts using a brand vechile is Cadbury's use of a gorrilla. Playing the drums to Phil Colins the air tonight Cadbury's captures the idea that Dairy Milk makes you happy in a way that is simple but different, who would have thought to use a gorrilla to show this. When released in August 2007 more than 185,000 people had watched the Cadbury advert by December and broke all records for downloads, with more than 600 postings on YouTube, and the videos being viewed about 10m times online.

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